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About Carl Qiu

My name is Carl Qiu, and I’m currently a senior student of Tabor Academy in Massachusetts. Languages have been a crucial part of my life as I’ve been speaking Chinese, English, Latin and a little bit of Korean. Yet, ASL expanded my understanding of languages with its unique ability to allow people to communicate without speaking. My fascination towards this silent language blossomed into a passion when I watched the movie “CODA,” which vividly depicted the coolness of American Sign Language (ASL) and lives in the deaf community. Captured by the idea of expressing yourself only through gestures and expressions, I embarked on a journey to learn ASL. I began with online courses and then dedicated two summers to intensive ASL courses at the University of Pennsylvania.​

​These classes not only taught me signs but also opened a window into the vibrant culture of the Deaf community. Eager to share my enthusiasm for ASL and Deaf culture with my peers, I started a program at school to offer weekly ASL classes. I also organized service trips to the Rhode Island School for the Deaf. Interacting with the students there, my peers and I quickly realized that the “service” was mutual; we were helping each other become more open-minded and creative.


With the same goal of sharing my passion for ASL and advocating for Deaf culture, I created this site. I hope it can aid you in your ASL learning journey while inspiring you to connect with and support the vibrant Deaf communities!

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